Scottsdale Arizona North Ham Radio Group
Ham Net

What is a "ham net"?

A ham net or "net" is simply an on-the-air gathering of individuals licensed to operate on ham radio frequencies. It is an opportunity for individuals with common interests to talk and practice ham radio communications. All though anyone with a ham radio that receives the net's frequency can listen, only licensed ham radio operators may transmit. We invite anyone to listen to our ham net, however, transmitting is limited to licenses ham radio operators as well as to those who agree on the rules and procedures.

A ham net is a directed conversation lead by a net controller. This net controller is simply one of the paticipants who guides the participants through the ham net procedure. Typically, a net controller will introduce the net and explain the procedure and rules for transmitting during the net.

SanHamRadio Net

We hold a ham net at 7PM on Sundays barring holidays and other events. We use our own repeater referred to as the "Raintree Repeater". We also at times use the "Thompson Peak" repeater as a backup exercise. When we use this repeater, it will be announced by the net controller at the beginning of the net. Its usage and directions are also explained by the net controller.

Raintree Repeater

  • RX Freq: 445.625
  • Offset: MHz
  • Shift: - (negative)
  • Tone: 127.3
  • Callsign: AG7UH
  • Echo Link: KF7OGZ-R

Thompson Peak Repeater (70cm)

Thompson Peak Repeater (2m)

Net Control Script

If you ever find yourself as Net Control and need a script see below.

Calling the Scottsdale Arizona North Education Net. This is [say call sign]. My name is [your name], and I will be your net control station this evening.

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT']

The purpose of this net is to provide amateur radio operators in the Scottsdale Arizona North Area with training for reliable communications in the event of an emergency, to ensure the proper maintenance and operations and readiness of the communication equipment, to pass traffic and provide those with a common interest the opportunity to meet.

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT']

This is an open and directed net and anyone is invited to join in. The only requirement to participate is a positive attitude and the wiliness to learn.

We will ask for visitors after the regular roll call. Please transmit as directed by the net control station. Stations are requested to end each transmission with their call sign. Stations are requested to remain on frequency until net traffic and training have been completed and the net is closed. If you need to leave the net early, please notify net control.

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT']

Stations having emergency traffic please use the words, BREAK, BREAK with your call sign, net control with then turn the frequency over to the station with emergency traffic.

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT']

Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time, please transmit now?

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT']
[If nothing heard during the pause, state: "Nothing heard" when continuing below.]

Are there any short term stations, that need to be in and out, please transmit now?

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT'] [If nothing heard, state: "Nothing heard" when continuing below.] [If a participant responds, acknowledge response and thank the participant for joining.]

Are there any announcements, please transmit now?

[PAUSE - Unkey 'PPT'] [Allow participants to communicate announcements in the order their call sign is received.] [If nothing is heard, state: "Nothing heard" when continuing below.]

I will continue now with the Roll call. I will take check-ins with the roll call, and then after roll call I will take new or missed member stations.

[Go through Roll call]

Are there any new or missed member stations. Please come now.

This concludes the Scottsdale Arizona North Education Net. Thank you to all that have joined. The repeater will now be turned over to regular amatuer ham radio use.